Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Recording Diary - Day Eight


I woke up at 3am having had a nightmare that Purcell, Clint and the dvd lady had overdubbed backing vocals over all the tracks we have recorded so far. The unnerving part of it being that they sounded far better than any that we have recorded so far.

The main part of the day was taking up by something that we refer to as 'messing about'. This is were we randomly try bits out for songs that we have'nt tried before, usually involving the most ridiculous noises that we can find. Sometimes it works out brilliantly and sometimes not. Today we came up with something we found so good that we simply entitled it 'BRILLIANT'. This is a little premature because as of this moment each Loung has not heard the part to which I refer. I hope it gets thumbs up because I think it is my favourite thing ever.

Messing about days are always my favourites and today was no different. The songs flesh out more into a little adventure for the ears but there is a fine line between an adventure for the ears and a terrible mess. I think we are teetering on the edge but as long as we reign each other in a bit we stay on the right side of awful. Hopefully.

There's still loads to do and we only have 2 'official' days left in Catalyst at which point we will have to reconvene at a later date after having pored over what still needs to be done and what should really be left by the wayside. At the moment it is anyones guess as to how much we have of both. I'm back at work tomorrow so I am gutted at not being able to be there for almost 2 full days recordings but I will get out of work in time to tell DTL which bits he needs to do again at the end of the day. Album titles are still very thin on the ground and despite crying out for suggestions we have had none of yet apart from Andy's steadfast belief that it should simply be entitled (adopts deep Northern working class voice) 'TH'ALBUM'.

Dvd lady turned up at lunchtime which was at approximately 2.00pm today. I had a sausage and a barm cake off one gentleman and half a hot pot/meat and potato pie off another. It was quite a a smorgasbord. I felt a bit uneasy having dreamt about her last night but soon cheered up when I spied a copy of 'Lee Evans - Live In Blackpool'. We all agreed he is BRRRRIIILLLIANT and funny to the max.

JTL turned up after worked and ripped through a couple of lovely lead breaks before we came unstuck a little on the b-side of our next single. Somethings missing but I've not figured out what yet. Maybe it's more of DTL's feedback in the middle bit. JTL laughed as we had yesterday at the trombone parts which he had not yet heard and seemed more than pleased with the way the songs are shaping up.

Alas there was no Zoo Bar this evening and no studio for PTL who is ill.


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