Look! Studio Pictures!
Loungs action/studio based photographs are still in the making but in the meantime here are some pics of our wonderful home for the next few weeks. In colour.
This is the lovely Catalyst studio in the heart of sunny St.Helens were we are currently ensconced recording our debut album which has no title at the moment but could do with one if anybody has any ideas. It looks a bit like a church dunnit? It is'nt.
This is the lovely control room of said studio. At any one time it can be filled with 5/6 Loungs and our master of ceremonies Mr.Andy Bowes. Drinks are not allowed in here but we can poke fun at each other through the ample windows if need be.
This is the 'recreation area'. We can be found here in a morning, at lunchtime and at various points throughout the day. Recreations can include eating some chips, putting on new guitar strings, beverages, poker, The Simpsons, TV quiz shows, Police Squad, David Bowie, bifters, penny toss and waiting for a Loung to get their bit right.
This is the room where Jamie sits with his guitar. He does'nt sit on that chair but sometimes we visit him.

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