Update Me Till I Fart
It may seem like The Loungs' debut long player has been long forgotten but let us assure you that we have been beavering away week in, week out in order to make it worth every penny of your hard earned come it's eventual release early next year. Thats right kids, tidying up all of DTL's out of tune guitars, running all our vocals through autotune for the umpteenth time and replacing all of GTL's drum tracks with drum machine has taken us so long that the album has a new release date but fear not, we are still planning to release a brand spanking new single before the end if the year.
As well as mixing and adding little audio treats (for the headphone listener) recently we have added another guest to the ever growing family Loung. David Geoghegan (or 'Geogy' to his friends) trained at the Royal Academy of Music and is the latest member to join our brass section for the album and has been adding his special trumpet based sounds to a selection of tunes. It has to be said that David looks a lot like Chris Moyles and has used his looky-likey status to accept free cab rides in his hometown of London.
Some facts about the upcoming album:
So far we have been recording and mixing for almost 4 months.
Rejected album titles include Ur Wrd M8, Chasing Mongo The Green Dragon and Beardy Love.
5 songs contain brass sections.
3 songs contain string sections.
Stephen J.Hawking guests on one track.
We've made JTL sound like Stephen J.Hawking on another.
Our next video may see us playing Astronauts. It may not.
The words 'Pink Floyd' have been bandied about in relation to the ever expanding ending to In Winter Coats which is developing into epic proportions. At least 2 Loungs think this is a good thing while the others break a sweat at the term 'prog-rock'.
The recording of the album so far has seen us digest 48 chippy dinners, 156 cans of Cherry Cola, 56 Mars Bars and 23 Snickers.
During the second week of recording we bought a comedy whistle which has not yet made it onto any songs.
Other Loungs news just in will see us taking part in the debut release from mighty Wigan promoters Lupine's first foray into the world of hot recordings.
TALES FROM THE LUX will be released on 10" vinyl sometime in October and will contain a demo version of ALL YOUR LOVE (The spanking new version of which will appear on our album) and see us sitting alongside tracks from the mighty Moco, Dirty Circus, The VC's, Gerard Starkie & Mat Turner. We will be playing a special launch night for the record at this year's In The City at the Dry Bar in Manchester on 30th October and you should all keep your ears to the ground with regards to grabbing yourselves a copy forthwith. Or two if you want to make yourselves a mint on ebay in years to come and brag to your grandchildren that you were 'there'.
Finally we have added a couple of videos to our myspace for your delectation. Our first short-lived foray into video making I'M GONNA TAKE YOUR GIRL was filmed at top secret locations in and around the the magical town of St.Helens and the second is an interview and live footage taken from Channel 4's The Road To V programme in which we were unceremoniously knocked out of the competition to play this year's V Festival during the semi-finals.
It may seem like The Loungs' debut long player has been long forgotten but let us assure you that we have been beavering away week in, week out in order to make it worth every penny of your hard earned come it's eventual release early next year. Thats right kids, tidying up all of DTL's out of tune guitars, running all our vocals through autotune for the umpteenth time and replacing all of GTL's drum tracks with drum machine has taken us so long that the album has a new release date but fear not, we are still planning to release a brand spanking new single before the end if the year.
As well as mixing and adding little audio treats (for the headphone listener) recently we have added another guest to the ever growing family Loung. David Geoghegan (or 'Geogy' to his friends) trained at the Royal Academy of Music and is the latest member to join our brass section for the album and has been adding his special trumpet based sounds to a selection of tunes. It has to be said that David looks a lot like Chris Moyles and has used his looky-likey status to accept free cab rides in his hometown of London.
Some facts about the upcoming album:
So far we have been recording and mixing for almost 4 months.
Rejected album titles include Ur Wrd M8, Chasing Mongo The Green Dragon and Beardy Love.
5 songs contain brass sections.
3 songs contain string sections.
Stephen J.Hawking guests on one track.
We've made JTL sound like Stephen J.Hawking on another.
Our next video may see us playing Astronauts. It may not.
The words 'Pink Floyd' have been bandied about in relation to the ever expanding ending to In Winter Coats which is developing into epic proportions. At least 2 Loungs think this is a good thing while the others break a sweat at the term 'prog-rock'.
The recording of the album so far has seen us digest 48 chippy dinners, 156 cans of Cherry Cola, 56 Mars Bars and 23 Snickers.
During the second week of recording we bought a comedy whistle which has not yet made it onto any songs.
Other Loungs news just in will see us taking part in the debut release from mighty Wigan promoters Lupine's first foray into the world of hot recordings.

Finally we have added a couple of videos to our myspace for your delectation. Our first short-lived foray into video making I'M GONNA TAKE YOUR GIRL was filmed at top secret locations in and around the the magical town of St.Helens and the second is an interview and live footage taken from Channel 4's The Road To V programme in which we were unceremoniously knocked out of the competition to play this year's V Festival during the semi-finals.