Today's belated recording diary was written and composed whilst listening to this here 26th MAY 2006Again my day begins with 8 hours in work fully aware that somewhere over the other side of town DTL is slowly removing all of my parts from the album and replacing them with what he likes to describe as 'experimental noise'. I finish my work up and get a lovely surprise when my manager lets me off early. He says he can tell I'm itching to leave, I'm not sure if it was the dirty protest i left in the staff canteen or the fact that I have lost each of my fingernails on the walls of the stockroom that did it but it worked so I'm happy.
On arrival at the studio I find DTL sat with the dvd lady drinking Strongbow. NTL is in the control room re-recording some of his (or Macca's depending which way you want to look at it) bass parts. DTL shows me a copy of racist 80's comedy 'Love Thy Neighbour' which he has 'purchased' from the dvd lady. He tells me that he had no money and my mind wonders as to how exactly he came to pay for it but I stop myself in time and return to the control room.
We're up for a late one at the studio tonight so over the next hour or so all 6 Loungs arrive and talk quickly arrives at drink. JTL and I decide to nip home and do a 'booze' run on the way back. We return with Strongbow, bifters, various lagers and a large mound of chicken butties made by me mum. What DTL does'nt know is that it was his sheer bad luck that he happened to be recording one of his parts in the studio when we returned and on opening the magic silver package we found only enough butties for each of the Loungs sat in the recreational area. We ate one each and kept the secret to ourselves.
As various guitar odds and sods are finished of we begin to prepare for the vocal takes that are on tonight's agenda. We begin with the terrace style "La-La-La-La-La-Laaa's" of 'All Your Love' as all 6 of us watch Andy's slighty nervous looks in the control booth. It's raucous but I think it will work. It is my idea for us to record many of the harmonies and backing vocals together around one or two mics to save time and to get better takes. After various attempts at the opening of 'Googly Moogly' it quickly becomes apparent that this is probably not going to work and we split off and complete our parts seperately instead. It sounds good. We then move onto 'Electric Lights' and it becomes apparent that NTL is a bit pissed and this makes us laugh.
A long day for DTL and Andy who have been here since 10am this morning draws to a close as we tidy up and plan a trip to the Zoo Bar. St.Helens on a Friday evening can be a daunting prospect but we stick together as GTL points out a ruckus down a side street in town. We look and see around 14 well dressed young men being set upon by a tall dark shadowy figure dressed entirely in black. On closer inspection we see that it is Purcell. JTL is about to shout out when we realise that the boys are coming of worse than Purcell and that he seems to be in a state of extreme drunkeness. We think better of it and continue to the Zoo Bar which I have second thoughts of and leave for an early night, one that will end our first 2 weeks in the studio.
There is a lot more to be done and hardly any Loung funds with which to do it. What will we do? Will we ever complete the album? Will it be any good if we do? Will it be ready for the end of the year? Will we ever see Purcell again? Does anyone care?
Stay Tuned skids.